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After enhancing, renovating, or rejuvenating the teeth, a smile often benefits from doing the same to the surrounding structures. Botox™ injections around the…


This post is part of the Gorgeous 50’s series inspired by a book given to me by one of my sisters on my 50th birthday – ‘Grown up and Gorgeous in your 50’s’ by Pamela Robson. I will be sharing some of Pamela’s words and my own thoughts along the way. To see all posts


  Open a book and dive into a space where eyes fill in for stars – multiple facets globes – where the light comes from and where the light comes in. In the heart of Oniric Planet, first Italian artist Bernardino Costantino’s illustrated tale, the EYE extends the metaphor and tells the story. A gothic and astral univers


While bruises from Botox treatments are uncommon, it is important to know the risks involved. Generally, bruising will appear between one and two days after


Botox Manhattan Beach – South Bay offered by Say Beauty Med Spa in Ca across California. Botox Treatment is an effective way to reduce fine lines and wrinkles. It also helps with crow’s feet, horizontal forehead creases, frown lines between eyebrows, and vertical lip lines.


Botox can be used to complement a smile or as a therapeutic agent to treat a variety of oral concerns or conditions. For more information about Botox in dentistry, call our office today at (702) 792-5929 to set up a consultation.


Botox – Leahy Family Care & Wellness Center is proud to offer Botox! Natural aging or stress causes frown lines, crow’s feet, and any other unwanted wrinkles


Botox is a safe, non-surgical treatment used to treat a variety of dental-related conditions, including TMJ disorder, migraines, cosmetic smile issues and facial wrinkles. Dentists are uniquely qualified to consider Botox as part of a more comprehensive assessment.