Il Microbotox è un trattamento ideato da Woffles Wu, chirurgo plastico di Singapore, in cui la tossina botulinica viene utilizzata in quantità minime, quasi omeopatiche. Leggere un viso trattato con la tecnica iniettiva standard…


Undergoing a surgical procedure for a facial rejuvenation treatment may be scary and intimidating. However, some procedures may be as simple as a single


What is the difference between BOTOX® Cosmetic and Juvederm®? Read on to find out. At the Laser and Skin Surgery Center, Dr. Renuka Diwan can use both to help restore a youthful appearance to your face. She serves Westlake, Strongsville, and surrounding areas of Cleveland.


Get the beautiful skin you deserve with FDA-approved Botox treatments at Hudson Dermatology. Contact us today to learn more and take a journey toward revitalized skin with the help of our experts.


Welcome to our British and European Botox clinic Zen smile spa by Dr Carolyn Carbasse in javea specializing in facial aesthetics located in Javea costa blanca since 2012 .The Botox and fillers clinic by Dr Carolyn Carbasse was previously located in Denia since 2002 until 2012, specialised in facial botox and fillers injections.